Five Things I Learned Writing The Flight of the Silvers (Terribleminds, 2/6/14)
Chuck Wendig, prolific author and social media whizbang, was kind enough to give me a guest spot on his hugely popular blog. I discussed the five most important things I learned while writing the first book of the Silvers series. There’s some profanity in this one because, like Chuck, I am a potty-mouthed snarkmeister.
How a Feminist Critique Changed My Sci-Fi Novel(LitHub, 7/6/17)
This was a hard piece to write, as I still have mixed feelings about the feminist criticism of The Flight of the Silvers. Most of the complaints were (to put it mildly) not constructive. A few, however, were smart enough to reveal some uncomfortable truths about my writing. This is the story of one critical reader and how she forever changed the way I handle female characters.
Beyond Paradox: Daniel Price on Writing Time-Twisting Fiction (Unbound Worlds, 7/19/17)
A breezy little essay about Kurt Vonnegut, the Silvers series, and the three most important rules to keep in mind when using time manipulation in your story. They did some overzealous editing on this piece that I’m not entirely happy with, but hey. It’s their site.
Daniel Price “Ask Me Anything” (Reddit, 7/5/17)
I can’t lie: I’m a Reddit noob. I find the place to be large and confusing and not-so-easy on the eyes, like Newark. So when my intrepid publicist signed me up to get questioned by a gazillion Reddit users, I trembled. Turns out I had nothing to fear. The people were nice, the questions were great, and I had an absolute blast.
Interview with Cara Santa Maria (Talk Nerdy, 11/6/17)
If you haven’t listened to the Talk Nerdy podcast, you definitely should. Cara Santa Maria is an utterly brilliant interviewer who asked me some of the deepest, most thoughtful questions I’ve ever received. We had a fantastic talk and you can listen to the whole thing right here. If the link below doesn’t work, you can just go straight to her website.
Interview with Casey Rose Frank (The Joyful Pen, 6/29/17)
I met Casey through The Flight of the Silvers, and boy, am I glad. She’s a great person and, it turns out, a great interviewer. We had a very fun discussion. And the accompanying pictures she used are awesome.
Interview with Lesa Holstine (The Poisoned Pen blog, 7/3/17)
The Poisoned Pen is a bookstore in Scottsdale, Arizona, and holy crap is it good. The place is like Mecca for book-lovers. Authors all over the world flock there for special events and now I know why.
In addition to hosting me for a wonderful talk and book-signing, they also interviewed me for their website. I had a grand old time talking with Lesa. She really brought out the kooky in me (in a good way).