It’s been two years since the world collapsed in a sheet of light, obliterating everything on Earth…but not quite everyone. Saved from the apocalypse by three mysterious beings, sisters Hannah and Amanda Given were marked with silver bracelets and transported to an entirely different Earth, a place where restaurants move through the air like flying saucers and the fabric of time is manipulated by common household appliances. Joined by four other survivors from their native world, each wearing an identical, unremovable bracelet, the new companions became known as the Silvers. Afflicted with time bending powers they never wanted, and on the run from unexpected new enemies, the Silvers embarked on a dangerous journey for survival across an alien America—a hunt for answers that bound the group like family, while revealing the gravely sinister intentions of their “saviors”.
But their new Earth is about to suffer the same fate as the old one and the Silvers have only ten weeks to prevent it. Their one hope is to find the remaining survivors of their home world—a quest that will take them from Mexico to England to a radically changed Japan—to gain more allies for the final confrontation with the godlike beings who first brought them to this Earth. Failure will mean death for billions of people. But victory may come at a cost the Silvers truly can’t afford.
Available now in softcover, e-book, and audiobook formats.
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“The story has plenty to offer in its exciting, exceptionally complicated plot and well-crafted characters.”
—Kirkus (full review)
“The War of the Givens is a heartfelt epic… with plenty of big-screen action and extraordinarily consequential heroics. I loved it!”
—Michael Patrick Hicks, author of the Salem Hawley series and Friday Night Massacre
“I loved everything about this pitch-perfect conclusion to Price’s groundbreaking sci-fi trilogy!”
—A.J. Sass, award-winning author of Ellen Outside the Lines and Ana on the Edge
Thirteen Questions About The War of the Givens
Is this freaking book ever going to come out?
It just did, sucker!
Is this really the end of the Silvers saga?
Yup. This is it. There’ll be no prequels, sequels, sidequels or spinoffs. The story most definitively ends with this book.
When does it take place?
The War of the Givens starts thirteen months after the end of The Song of the Orphans, and the Silvers have changed in numerous ways. Some of them will be different than the characters you remember, for reasons that will be quickly explained.
What if I haven’t read the first two books in a while? Will it be easy to get back into the swing of things?
I weaved as much recap information into the narrative as I could, so readers can catch up on all the dangling plot threads. If that’s not enough, I’ll have lots of resources on this website before the book is released, including an updated character guide and an expanded glossary of all the temporal/Altamerican buzzwords that you knew and forgot over the years.
Naturally, those who reread the first two books will have the most cohesive reading experience, but I’m determined to make it as easy as possible for the folks who want to jump right into Book 3.
You said in the Series FAQ that a good chunk of this book takes places outside the United States. Which countries will we see?
You’ll be seeing the alt-world versions of a whole lot of places, including Mexico, Cuba, England, Scotland, Japan, Mongolia, even a little bit of Antarctica. Our heroes will be doing a lot of traveling in this one, and they’ll learn firsthand how the Cataclysm changed the planet.
Do the “Givens” in the title refer to Hannah and Amanda?
It actually has a double meaning that will become clear as the story progresses, but part of it definitely involves Hannah and Amanda. The sisters will be back in the forefront in this final volume. Their love for each other, and the sacrifices they make for each other, will drive a good chunk of the plot.
Will there be a lot of new characters to keep track of?
There are a bunch of new orphans introduced in this book, but only a few of them become major characters. The narrative still revolves around the core cast of the series: the Silvers, Peter, Heath and Melissa.
What about Ioni? Do we finally learn her deal?
Oh yes. Ioni plays a huge role in this book. By the end of it, you’ll know everything there is to know about her.
Will the Pelletiers and Evan Rander finally get what’s coming to them?
I can’t answer that. All I can say is that they’ll each get a lot of screen time in The War of the Givens, most especially Evan and Semerjean.
How long is this book compared to the other two?
It’s close to 800 pages, which makes it about fifty pages longer than The Song of the Orphans: my previous champion of literary obesity,
Why is there no hardcover release?
That was a last-minute Penguin decision, involving business logic that flies over my head. It’s their right to publish it however they see fit. My only hope is that someday, fate willing, they’ll release a matching set of hardcovers/softcovers for the shelf aficionados who want them.
Will Rich Orlow, the narrator of the first two audiobooks, be coming back for this one?
Yes indeed! It was a little bit iffy, since the War of the Givens audiobook is being handled by a different company that recorded the first two Silvers books. But there’s just no denying Rich’s incredible talent. Having him back is a huge win for everyone.
Will any of my favorite characters die? And if so, where can I find you?
Uhh, I gotta go.